JW_Rogue informs us, "According to WT, if either of your parents aren't JWs then you are a "fatherless boy."
If my father is a JW elder and my mother is either not a JW or is dead, I am considered a "FATHERLESS boy."
Is Jehovah on 'shrooms?
the wt teaches that "fatherless boys" need special care and attention in the congregation.
however, as brought out at the rc their definition of "fatherless boys" includes boys that have actual fathers who maybe very well qualified to teach and raise their sons.
according to wt, if either of your parents aren't jws then you are a "fatherless boy.
JW_Rogue informs us, "According to WT, if either of your parents aren't JWs then you are a "fatherless boy."
If my father is a JW elder and my mother is either not a JW or is dead, I am considered a "FATHERLESS boy."
Is Jehovah on 'shrooms?
from a very obscure tract called "the broadcaster", july 13, 1925:.
Anony Mous said, "The 6000 year model was created by some Catholic bishop and has been completely rejected by JWs for that reason."
I never heard of that before.
In fact, I'll go so far as to say that the 6,000-year model existed before Christianity. So I'm going to have to ask you for your papers (documentation, citations, etc.).
i'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
Diogenesister asked,"Nathan N Is that the way to compost books?( am ignorant and interested)"
YES, absolutely! Books are made of paper and cardboard. Both paper and cardboard are made from wood pulp and is almost entirely cellulose (a complex carbohydrate). Fungi LOVE carbohydrates, and simple, water-soluble carbs are really the 'shroom's "meow." That's how grape juice becomes wine - yeast are fungi. After wine is made, bacteria digest the wine to make vinegar. And so on and so forth...
You could allow a mass of damp but not sopping wet books to innoculate by simply allowing them to be exposed to the air for a day - like making sourdough starter! Or you could order ONE OUNCE of Myco-Grow from http://www.fungi.com/product-detail/product/mycogrow-soluble-1-oz.html. A pound will treat most of your estate. You only need like 1/4 teaspoon for this project... Add the myco-grow to the dampening liquid...
Then close the system and move it somewhere dark - a crypt, cave, or dungeon will do. Be sure that your dampening fluid contains one can of sugary soda and a bit - just a dropperful - of indoor plant food - to supply some nitrogen and potassium and phosphorus (N, K, P) to make the smörgåsbord seem even more appealing.
In a couple of weeks the books will look HIDEOUS, with thin tendrils of ghostly white fungal mycellium running through the mass. At this point the "thing that was once books" can be mixed into your compost -- at the bottom of the pile where it is darkest. Earthworms will then move into the 'shroomsgåsbord and voila!
Have fun! let us know how it goes!
Recipe for dampening liquid - two gallons of water, one 12 can of cheap sugary soda if you have it or 1/4 cup of table sugar if you prefer, one dropperful of cheap indoor plant food, 1/4 teaspoon of Myco-Grow or exposure to your local air for a day after the collection of condemned books are dampened.
Don't drink this - it is not dangerous, but it will be either boring or unpleasant.
Any left-over solution can be poured on your garden or on your neighbor's weeds.
so i've been a lurked on this site for about 15 years, thank goodness for dial up internet.... anyway my fade has been working off and on for that long but my whole family is still in including my kid.
at this point i have started dating a worldly person.
he is wiling to put onthe facade of being a witness so i don't have to lose my family.
I would suggest that instead of having him try to "pass" as a genuine JW ( a task just a bit harder than getting an Aborigine to pretend to be an Eskimo), it would be far easier for him to pretend to be a seeker of truth who is convinced -- ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, INCONTROVERTABLY, CONVINCED --that he has found IT.
Then he will have to submit to a free home Bible Study -- AND he will have to show signs of "making rapid progress in The Trooth," attending and participating at all meetings, etc., and continually "reaching out for additional privileges of service".
Only ONE of TWO things can go wrong --
1). He may actually become a witness after being so thoroughly BRAINWASHED,
2) He may run screaming over the horizon, ne'er to be seen again!
Who says "Honesty is the best policy"?
as some of you know, i'm not a witness, but i am the co-author of a series of history book that discuss the watch tower's earliest years.
russell mentions a 'brother' van der ahe as an early days wt evangelist.
we can't identify him.
Isn't it GREAT how helpful ignorant uninformed know-nothings can be?
Why bother to use your brain when you can just blither on like a total twit?
It isn't funny and it isn't helpful. You're embarrassing yourselves.
Vienne, I apologize for the goon squad. If you give them a book, they eat the covers.
i'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
I have a bunch of them left over from my "Watchtower Bookshelf (BS)" days.
I think I might put them into a good-sized water-tight container and innoculate them with gardening fungi I have access too (non-magic variety) along with some dilute sugar solution (fungi LOVE sugar if it is dilute), let the mycellium spread through the cellulose matrix and then put them out with my yard-waste, which goes to a local compost factory (I intentionally avoided calling it a "compost plant" because that might have been confusing).
At that point, they will look HIDEOUS, but they are just friendly garden 'shrooms doing what they do best.
so i was wondering what book is the nuttiest they ever printed?
i know there are several in contention for first place but which is your vote for no 1?
also if you don't mind post a bit of what is in the book you pick to show why you picked it.
Q.: What is the craziest book the dubbers ever published?
A.: The next one.
my sister, who lives in atlanta, told me about this book today.. it is on my must-read list.. syl.
I left my comment before I saw the movie on HBO. I think the movie was very well done, and very moving. I feel very sad for the Lacks family, poor in so many ways, and I still feel they deserve something, but I don't know what or how much. The author of the book is a woman of integrity and a true friend to the family.
last month i got caught by my wife after a late night out with her (and some drinks).
i guess i am evil.. just wondering if anyone else has had this misfortune.. rub a dub.
Snowbird said, "Urine is a good disinfectant."
I don't think that is correct.
To be a disinfectant, urine would have to destroy bacteria. There is no evidence that it does this.
It is even debatable that a person who is not ill has sterile urine. Even if it was sterile, "sterile" means "free of bacteria," not "destroys bacteria."
There have been instances in military field medicine when medics used human urine. Henry VIII's surgeon Thomas Vicary recommended that all battle wounds should be washed in urine. Urinating on a wound to clean it in an emergency has become fodder for urban legend, but new research debunks the idea that urine is sterile.
Urine is not sterile, even before it comes out of you and gets contaminated by your skin. Bacteria are present at low levels in the urine of healthy people not suffering from a urinary tract infection.
But if "golden showers" are your thing... take a regular shower afterwards.
last month i got caught by my wife after a late night out with her (and some drinks).
i guess i am evil.. just wondering if anyone else has had this misfortune.. rub a dub.
The "edit post" function is working again!